“Welcome / to my galaxy / of snare drum samples / full of emotions”
The year is 2019, and Jan Schulte is spelling out his vision in simple terms. Within the first few of Albumsi’s hour-plus runtime, our host lays out the mat, and welcomes us to the ‘Galaxy’, just as he welcomed us to ‘Zum Paradies’ on Instrumentalmusik von der Mitte der World. There, he donned a Wolf Müller mask. Here it is nom de doof, Bufiman. The directive is clear: buckle up, as this trip advisor for countless left-of-the-dial dancers and deep thinkers alike is back in the hot seat.
True to his word, the first thing that hits is the drums. Across the album are samples that Bufiman has been collecting since he was a mere Bufiboy. Recordings culled from market stalls 20+ years ago and song sketches that lay dormant since 2006 get a facelift at the Wolf Müller Flanger Studio and walk into the world as finished articles. A proggy tribute to funk classic ‘Blow Your Head’ takes this updating job most directly, transporting Fred Wesley & The J.B.’s to the fringes of a Frankfurt rave with a decanter of spiked punch, doin’ the worm through a space-time wormhole as they go.
Sometimes those drums jive away steadily, and sometimes they boom and bap right under your nose (and in the middle of the LP, they are barely present at all). Live instrumentation and digitised rat-a-tat link like brothers in arms. What might Mantronix sound like if they were from North Sentinel Island instead of New York City? Albumsi could be the answer.
1. Galaxy 05:54
2. Sara Sara 06:37
3. Hoolock Rock 07:12
4. Blow Your Head 08:14
5. Pantasy 13:22
6. News From The Treetops 06:44
7. Langsam Aber Slowly / I Think I Got It Under Control Now / Well, Traumhaft 11:55
8. Coolness 06:24
9. Apo-Calypso 08:52
10. Rave The Forest 05:53
Format: 2 x 12-inch Vinyl LP
Label: Dekmantel
Catalog: DKMNTL074
Released: 2020
Genre: House / Electronic / Percussive